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Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
3 Steps to Self-Compassion
"God, you can be so stupid sometimes!" "Why would she be attracted to YOU?" "You're just going to screw this up." These are things you...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
Recognizing The Signs of Postpartum Depression and Getting Help
The birth of a child is a wondrous and glorious thing. Until you bring that baby home and are responsible for keeping it alive on zero...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
Lean on Me: Why People With a Mental Health Crisis Need a Support Network
Human beings have a need for social connection. It stems from our ancestors needing to stick together to stay alive. Back in the day,...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
Teaching Kids Mindfulness: The Benefits and Easiest Ways To Do It!
"Pay Attention!" It's a phrase that is uttered dozens of times a week (if not more) in households where children between the ages of two...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
4 Stay-Fit Tips for People Who Hate Exercise
Hate exercising? You’re definitely not alone. It seems that each year, millions of people around the country start off with good...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
Why Did I Feel Fine Yesterday? The Causes of Depression
With 322 million people suffering with depression worldwide, it's not surprising to learn that in America, depression is among the most...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
Mental Health Habits
We live in a society that seems obsessed with physical health and weight loss. A majority of people have tried one or more diets to lose...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
Are you an emotional eater? When you're feeling stressed, do you find yourself ordering in Pizza? When you are feeling depressed, do you...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
Do You Suffer From Anxiety? Yoga Can Help!
Life is full of moments that cause us to feel stressed or nervous. Getting up and speaking in front of a large group of people, starting...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
The Best Medicine is a Treadmill: How Daily Exercise Can Treat Depression
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 9% of American adults live with depression. It's also worth mentioning...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
Is Social Media Bad for Your Mental Health?
Have you been feeling a bit low lately, but you can't quite put your finger on why? It may have something to do with your social media...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
How to Help Manage a Loved One's Anxiety
When a friend or loved one suffers from anxiety, it can be intimidating or frustrating trying to help them cope. Panic and anxiety...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
3 min read
Why People Misunderstand Anxiety
Did you ever play the game called "telephone" growing up? One kid whispered a secret message into the ear of the kid next to him. That...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
4 Subtle Exercises to Calm Anxiety in Public
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 40 million adults over the age of 18 suffer from an anxiety disorder. If...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
Getting Your Inner Spark Back: 5 Tips to Loving Yourself Again
We are born knowing that we are infinitely lovable. Babies and toddlers demand love and attention. They ask to be held, they ask for toys...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
5 Ways to Get a Better Night's Sleep even when you are anxious
Affecting nearly 40 million adults in the United States, anxiety is one of the country’s most common mental health disorders. Sleep...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
0 min read
Tips for Coping with Social Isolation
Humans are social creatures and we don't do well in isolation. That's exactly why state penitentiaries punish prisioners by putting ...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
The Upside of Stress
If your'e trying to breathe and stay calm in more stressful situations and generally remain cooler under pressure, then you’ll often be...

Aliza Septimus, PsyD
2 min read
Tap into flow for flawless performance
A flow state is a near-mythical psychological state that makes us calm, alert and highly able to react and respond to what’s going on...
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